Handling Incoming Webhooks: The Controller Layer

- 7 mins read
webhookdump rails

šŸ’” See the code for this post on the šŸ”— webhook-controllers branch.

In the previous chapter, we set up our models to store webhooks and their requests. Now itā€™s time to build the controllers that will handle incoming HTTP requests and show them to users.

Setting Up Routes

The webhookdump will have two types of URLs. First, the URL that serves actual HTTP callbacks from clients. Second, the URL to manage or show the webhookā€™s detailed information. For example, when a client sends a webhook to webhookdump.link/abc-123, users can view all received requests at webhookdump.link/v/abc-123. This separation makes it clear which URL is for receiving webhooks and which is for viewing them.

Hereā€™s how I configured config/routes.rb:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  root "home#index"

  # Interface for viewing webhook details under 'v' prefix
  scope path: 'v', controller: 'webhooks' do
    get '/:slug', action: :show, as: :webhook
    delete '/:slug', action: :destroy

    resources :webhook_requests, only: [:show, :destroy], 
              path: '/:slug', 
              controller: 'webhook_requests'
    # Main webhook endpoint - keeps URLs as clean as possible
  match '/:slug', to: 'webhooks#handler', via: :any, as: :webhook_handler

This routing setup works really well for our needs. When external services want to send webhooks, they can use the shortest possible URL without any extra path segments. Meanwhile, users can easily view their webhook details by adding ā€˜vā€™ to the URL path. This clear separation helps prevent confusion between sending and viewing webhooks.

šŸ’” If youā€™re familiar with Rails or any other web frameworks, you might notice that this routing setup breaks some conventional patterns. Typically, Its encourages RESTful routes with resourceful naming - youā€™d expect paths like /webhooks/:id instead of our direct /:id. While following conventions is generally a good practice, I chose to break from it here for a specific reason: user experience.

When developers are copying webhook URLs to paste into third-party services or sharing them with team members, every extra character counts. Having to explain ā€œmake sure to include /webhooks/ in the URLā€ adds unnecessary complexity. By keeping the webhook endpoint as short as possible (/:id), we make the URLs more user-friendly and easier to work with. The viewing interface under /v/ is a fair compromise - itā€™s still short but clearly separated from the main webhook endpoint.

The Webhooks Controller

The WebhooksController is the heart of our application. It needs to handle two crucial tasks: showing webhook details to users and processing incoming webhook requests from external sources. Let me walk you through how I built it.

Hereā€™s how I implemented it:

class WebhooksController < ApplicationController
  include ApplicationHelper

  before_action :get_webhook!

  skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token, only: [:handler]

  def show
    @webhook_requests = @webhook.webhook_requests.order(id: :desc)

  def handler
    @webhook_request = @webhook.webhook_requests.create!(
      url: request.url,
      ip: request.remote_ip,
      method: request.method,
      host: request.host,
      headers: request.headers.to_h,
      query_params: request.query_parameters.to_json,
      payload: request.body.read

    render plain: "OK"


  def get_webhook!
    @webhook = Webhook.find_by!(slug: params[:slug])

    if @webhook.expired?
      raise WebhookExpired

<h1>Webhook Details</h1>

    <td><%= @webhook.id %></td>
    <td><%= @webhook.slug %></td>
    <th>Created At</th>
    <td><%= @webhook.created_at %></td>
    <th>Updated At</th>
    <td><%= @webhook.updated_at %></td>

<h2>Webhook Requests</h2>
      <th>Created At</th>
    <% @webhook_requests.each do |webhook_request| %>
        <td><%= link_to webhook_request.id, webhook_request_path(@webhook.slug, webhook_request) %></td>
        <td><%= webhook_request.method %></td>
        <td><%= webhook_request.url %></td>
        <td><%= webhook_request.ip %></td>
        <td><%= webhook_request.created_at %></td>
    <% end %>

Letā€™s break down the interesting parts:

  1. We skip CSRF protection for the handler action since external services need to send requests
  2. The show action displays webhook requests in reverse order
  3. The handler action captures all important request details:
    • URL, IP address, and HTTP method
    • Request headers
    • Query parameters
    • Request body

The WebhookRequests Controller

While the WebhooksController handles the main functionality, we also need a way for users to manage individual webhook requests. Thatā€™s where the WebhookRequestsController comes in. It helps users view request details and clean up old requests they donā€™t need anymore.

class WebhookRequestsController < ApplicationController
  before_action :get_webhook!
  before_action :get_webhook_request!

  def show; end

  def destroy
    redirect_to webhook_path(@webhook), notice: 'Webhook request deleted'


  def get_webhook!
    @webhook = Webhook.find_by!(slug: params[:slug])
  def get_webhook_request!
    @webhook_request = @webhook.webhook_requests.find!(params[:id])

This controller:

  1. Shows detailed information about a specific request
  2. Allows users to delete requests they donā€™t need anymore

Testing the Controllers

Hereā€™s how you can test the webhook endpoint using cURL:

# Create a test webhook first using the Rails console
$ rails c
> webhook = Webhook.create!(expired_at: 7.days.from_now)
> puts webhook.slug
abc123-xyz-789 # Your UUID will be different

# Send a test request
curl -X POST \\
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \\
  -d '{"message":"Hello WebhookDump!"}' \\

If you visit http://localhost:3000/v/abc123/1 in your browser, youā€™ll see the request details!

Error Handling

One important aspect is handling expired webhooks. I created a custom error class:

class WebhookExpired < StandardError; end

And added error handling in application_controller.rb:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  rescue_from WebhookExpired, with: :webhook_expired


  def webhook_expired
    render "errors/webhook_expired", status: :gone

Now when someone tries to use an expired webhook, theyā€™ll see a friendly error message instead of a crash.

In the next chapter, weā€™ll make our application more interactive by adding real-time updates with Action Cable when new webhook requests arrive.

Stay tuned! šŸš€